How as Citizens We Can Take Control of Gun Control

We cannot allow the corrupted political process to block the will of the people, there is a way around Congress to address the issue. Amending the Constitution can be done through a process started at the state level. If two thirds of the states call for a constitutional convention amendment can be put forth from that convention. If three fourths of the states ratify the proposed amendments the constitution is amended.

This has interesting implications as voters in many states can petition to have ballot initiatives put up for vote. If there were a ground swell to put on the ballot for states to formally call for a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of clarifying the Second Amendment, it could force the issue for reform. It would also become an issue that all candidates running for federal office be asked to state their position on and turn out a record vote.

The question then becomes what that change would look like. The current discussions are small and incremental proposals. Perhaps change would look like this proposal

At a minimum definitions and restrictions on weapons of war never envisioned by the founding fathers could be covered. Questions such as rights of ownership and requirement of being a member in a state militias or reserves could be resolved. Perhaps even storage and locations for use of such weapons at state armories could be established so these killing machines are not allowed out in our communities.

Who will step forward to lead this effort? We need those leaders now to break through the status quo and make real change happen.