An Appeal to Our Fellow Citizens

We as a civil society need to begin hold ourselves and each other accountable. This accountability needs to begin with each of us. It means becoming engaged in what is happening to our communities and country now. There is evil in our society and that cannot be excused or condoned. We must avoid the trap of generalizing and demonizing those we don’t agree with and to seek to understand their perspectives. Fear is being used to drive us apart. Scarcity is the wedge that is used to do that. We must look inward and recognize that what most of us fear most is not having the ability to take care of ourselves and our families. It is not those that are a different race or the immigrant that keep us from having the security we seek. We must recognize it is the distribution of resources that are being squandered and hoarded that is the root of our problems.

We need to look for leaders who speak truth and don’t cynically offer positions and policies that pick winners and losers in order to gain a political nomination or advantage. We need vision right now, a vision of cooperation, a vision of plenty and bold direction to be good stewards of the resources we have been given and of our earth.

To those who have wealth and power recognize that our economy is broken and your wealth and privilege is not sustainable. You have a responsibility to lift up this nation. If the majority of us are struggling and fearing for ourselves and our children’s futures this country will implode. The American dream is becoming a myth and unattainable and once the masses realize that we will turn from fight each other to come after you and your fortunes. History teaches us that when wealth becomes so concentrated revolutions happen and the results are tragic. This time it may be all of humanity that suffers.

So let us all strive to defeat poverty, provide health, safety and economic security to all our citizens and accept and integrate into our society those who have come and worked hard and earned their way. This is the United States of America, let’s start remember that. We are better then this let’s act like it!