Time to Reclaim the Middle

The majority of us want our democracy and capitalism fixed not torn down or overthrown. We can all acknowledge that there is much to be fixed; access to affordable health care, uneven distribution of wealth, corporate greed and control of our political system, military industrial complex run amok, privatized prison system and social injustice. We can fix these things working together if we are not torn apart. The extremes of both the right and left do not have the answers. That lends to civil dis-function and the road to ruin. Our two party system is polarizing the process as independents and moderates are under represented in both parties. It appears the far right has total control of the republican party. If you are a moderate republican or an independent please register to vote in democratic primary in your state. Lets make sure we have a candidate running for President this year that represents the majority of us to help save our democracy.