Georgians Do Your Homework

In this coming election on January 5th we will see a dramatic contrast in campaigns.  I expect one side to offer very little in terms of vision for the future and rely almost exclusively on false labeling and fear mongering.  I encourage everyone to dig deeper and learn more about the candidates and their positions as well as who they are and if they will serve the interest of Georgians or the interest of themselves and others.

The word socialism will be thrown out to label the democratic candidates.  Neither is nor professes to be a socialist so do your research.  Both men’s backgrounds suggest they will care more about the people of Georgia and in shaping government to help the vast majority of people.  These are decent honorable men who are looking to serve.

By contrast the republican candidates and their backgrounds is what is wrong with our country.  Short on vision it is no wonder most of their campaign will be spent on false attacks and trying to win on fear.  Check their backgrounds as well, do your research.  They are both under qualified and one must wonder why they want to be Senators and spend their own money to get elected.  Per Wikipedia the reasons seem clear;

“In March 19, 2020, the public release of federal financial-disclosure documents revealed that Sprecher and his wife, interim U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler sold millions of dollars of stock the couple owned in companies vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic. The sales began the same day Loeffler and other senators received a private briefing from federal officials about the looming crisis.[11] “ 

“Like his fellow Georgia senator Kelly Loeffler, he is linked to the 2020 Congressional insider trading scandal, in which he allegedly violated federal law and sold stocks before the 2020 stock market crash, using knowledge given to him at a closed Senate meeting about how the U.S. would be affected by COVID-19.[3]

Common cause has filed suit with the SEC so just know you may be voting for people who will be expelled from the Senate and put in jail.  If you want to drain the swamp this would not be the way to start.

Talk about blood money, they knew what was going on and did nothing to protect us but took care of themselves.  Over 420,000 of our citizens infected over 9,000 dead out of respect for those people you cannot in good conscious for those two.

They are frauds who wrap themselves in the flag and claim to be patriots. Again, please do your research.

Look at David Perdue’s background and his leadership at Pillotex where he took a $1.7 million dollar salary for nine months work didn’t show up much for work ultimately leading to the largest single day loss of jobs in North Carolina history at the time.

Ms. Loeffler in her bio projects herself as a successful business woman when in fact she had a modest career until she met and married her husband.  A man who made his fortune in trading not in real products, or needed services put in trading which ultimately drives up costs and inefficiencies.

These people are parasites and not who should be representing us. I can understand if you do not agree with the democrats and don’t want to vote for them, but you cannot and should not vote for these two.


Senators can be sued Class Action Should be Brought Against Republicans for Violating the Constitution

This from US Department of Justice


The general rule at common law was that in order for a government official to be protected by absolute immunity for common law torts, not only did the official have to be acting within the outer perimeter of his/her official duties, but the conduct at issue also had to be discretionary in nature. Westfall v. Irwin, 484 U.S. 292, 297-298 (1988). In enacting the Federal Employees Liability Reform and Tort Compensation Act of 1988 (FELRTCA), Congress abrogated this common law rule and extended absolute immunity for common law torts to all federal employees regardless of whether the conduct at issue was discretionary. See United States v. Smith, 499 U.S. 160 (1991). FELRTCA confers such immunity by making the Federal Tort Claims Act the exclusive remedy for all common law torts committed by federal employees while acting within the scope of their office or employment. 28 U.S.C. § 2679(b)(1). However, the immunity conferred by FELRTCA does not extend or apply to suits against federal employees for violation of the Constitution or federal statutes. Thus, government officials sued for constitutional torts continue to be protected only by qualified immunity. 28 U.S.C. § 2679(b)(2). See Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 800, 807 (1982); Butz v. Economou, 438 U.S. 478 (1978). Where applicable, qualified immunity protects an official from trial and the burdens of litigation. See Mitchell v. Forsyth, 472 U.S. 511, 526 (1985).

For violating their oath of office:

Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Time to Reclaim the Middle

The majority of us want our democracy and capitalism fixed not torn down or overthrown. We can all acknowledge that there is much to be fixed; access to affordable health care, uneven distribution of wealth, corporate greed and control of our political system, military industrial complex run amok, privatized prison system and social injustice. We can fix these things working together if we are not torn apart. The extremes of both the right and left do not have the answers. That lends to civil dis-function and the road to ruin. Our two party system is polarizing the process as independents and moderates are under represented in both parties. It appears the far right has total control of the republican party. If you are a moderate republican or an independent please register to vote in democratic primary in your state. Lets make sure we have a candidate running for President this year that represents the majority of us to help save our democracy.

Time for Action

It is apparent our political system is failing us. Elected officials are consumed by holding power and loyalty to party is more important than their oath of office. We must show our dissatisfaction with the present system, When criminality is openly acknowledged and admitted to we should not simply get over it. With a rogue President taking actions to start a war to divert our attention we must take action to protect our democracy. It is time to occupy Washington it is a time for national strikes. To many of our fellow citizens our sleeping on what is going on are suffering through the highly polarized reporting on the extreme fair right. We need to act to show our anger and to wake people up. The time is now!

Time for America to Wake Up

President Trump is behaving as an out of control monarch and our democracy is at stake. We can’t wait for politicians to save us as they make political calculations about when to act rather then moral imperatives. It is clear that things will not improve until the country rises up to demand impeachment. Like minded citizen need to show there support for this action and walk up our fellow citizens.

I propose that every night at 8:00 pm concerned citizens go outside and blow whistles for 5 minutes until action is taken to remove this President. Further all like minded organizations should set a date in the next 2 to 3 weeks to converge on Washington with whistles blaring to demand change and show the political class it is time to act. It is hard to hear politicians dance around whether the President has committed crimes and violated his oath of office when he admits it freely and makes it sound like it is normal and acceptable behavior. Enough already, lets act.

How as Citizens We Can Take Control of Gun Control

We cannot allow the corrupted political process to block the will of the people, there is a way around Congress to address the issue. Amending the Constitution can be done through a process started at the state level. If two thirds of the states call for a constitutional convention amendment can be put forth from that convention. If three fourths of the states ratify the proposed amendments the constitution is amended.

This has interesting implications as voters in many states can petition to have ballot initiatives put up for vote. If there were a ground swell to put on the ballot for states to formally call for a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of clarifying the Second Amendment, it could force the issue for reform. It would also become an issue that all candidates running for federal office be asked to state their position on and turn out a record vote.

The question then becomes what that change would look like. The current discussions are small and incremental proposals. Perhaps change would look like this proposal

At a minimum definitions and restrictions on weapons of war never envisioned by the founding fathers could be covered. Questions such as rights of ownership and requirement of being a member in a state militias or reserves could be resolved. Perhaps even storage and locations for use of such weapons at state armories could be established so these killing machines are not allowed out in our communities.

Who will step forward to lead this effort? We need those leaders now to break through the status quo and make real change happen.

An Appeal to Our Fellow Citizens

We as a civil society need to begin hold ourselves and each other accountable. This accountability needs to begin with each of us. It means becoming engaged in what is happening to our communities and country now. There is evil in our society and that cannot be excused or condoned. We must avoid the trap of generalizing and demonizing those we don’t agree with and to seek to understand their perspectives. Fear is being used to drive us apart. Scarcity is the wedge that is used to do that. We must look inward and recognize that what most of us fear most is not having the ability to take care of ourselves and our families. It is not those that are a different race or the immigrant that keep us from having the security we seek. We must recognize it is the distribution of resources that are being squandered and hoarded that is the root of our problems.

We need to look for leaders who speak truth and don’t cynically offer positions and policies that pick winners and losers in order to gain a political nomination or advantage. We need vision right now, a vision of cooperation, a vision of plenty and bold direction to be good stewards of the resources we have been given and of our earth.

To those who have wealth and power recognize that our economy is broken and your wealth and privilege is not sustainable. You have a responsibility to lift up this nation. If the majority of us are struggling and fearing for ourselves and our children’s futures this country will implode. The American dream is becoming a myth and unattainable and once the masses realize that we will turn from fight each other to come after you and your fortunes. History teaches us that when wealth becomes so concentrated revolutions happen and the results are tragic. This time it may be all of humanity that suffers.

So let us all strive to defeat poverty, provide health, safety and economic security to all our citizens and accept and integrate into our society those who have come and worked hard and earned their way. This is the United States of America, let’s start remember that. We are better then this let’s act like it!